Watch Intro Video

Welcome from Ankie

Ongoing Course, Open to Everyone

Description: In this course you will learn how to sculpt the face, hands and legs for a Mr. Ballwalker, and also how to paint and how to make his body, and also how to make the base form and how to costume him. So in this course you make a complete standing doll.
Media Category: Air Dry Clay, Mixed Media
Course Type: Student Choice (refer to the FAQ page for full descriptions of each course type)
Course Format: Full project
Course Begins: Ongoing, open to Everyone
Course Duration: 5 days, but this is after a students choice. Some take much more time. 

What will Students learn?
Students will learn how to sculpt with Creative Air dry Paperclay and they will learn how to sculpt the face, the hands and the legs. Also how to paint the face, hands and shoes, how to make the body, how to put the doll together, how to make the base form and and how to costume the doll.
Instructor/Students interaction: Answer questions via emails, Private Facebook Group
Skill Level: All levels welcome
Required skill(s): No special skills required.

Supplies and tools: See full supply list Ankie Daanen-Ballwalker-Supply list.pdf
Downloads: Two downloadable videos and lessons in PDF's and Word docx 

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome video Mr. Ballwalker.

    2. Join the private facebookpage

    3. Welcome!!

    4. What do you need

    5. Sculpting the face

    6. Painting the face

    7. How to make the hands

    8. How to make the body

    9. How to make the arms

    10. How to costume the Ballwalker

    11. The finished Mr. Ballwalker

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Ankie Daanen

Mixed Media - Paperclay - Porcelain

My name is Ankie Daanen and I make artist dolls, and have been doing this for many years. My artdolls could be called theater-like figures that stay close to the human form. Every doll is a one of a kind and a lot of attention is paid to the costume which makes the doll special. I make porcelain dolls, but at the moment I only work with the Japanese Creative Paperclay. A self-hardening clay that dries in the air, is strong and has the appearance of porcelain. Teaching has always been high on my list and I really enjoy the wonderful results achieved by my students. But above all the pleasure in creating within this special art form is paramount. I therefore hope that through my online courses I can contribute to passing on my knowledge.

VISIT: Ankie Daanen Portfolio

Courses by Ankie Daanen